As a non-profit, we depend on our supporters who provide us with the resources to assist people experiencing homelessness in Racine. These foundations have each provided grants of over $5,000 since September 2022.

  • Racine Community Foundation

    The Racine Community Foundation does great things for our community. It has been a long-time supporter of HOPES Center’s service to people experiencing homelessness in Racine. HOPES received a $35,000 award from the foundation in September 2022., which goes a long way as we help people end their homelessness.

  • Forest County Potawatomi Foundation

    HOPES Center received a $10,000 grant from the Forest Count Potawatomi Foundation in support of street outreach work in 2023-2034 FCPF has supported both street outreach and rapid rehousing with grants over the years.

  • Racine Dominican Mission Fund

    HOPES Center is one of five sponsored ministries of the Racine Dominicans.. Our sister sponsored ministries include Bethany Apartments, Eco Justice Center, Senior Companion Program and Siena Retreat Center. Each sponsored ministry is a different expression of the Racine Dominican Mission: Committed to Truth, Compelled to Justice. HOPES received at $79,000 grant from the mission fund in 2022 for its ministry to people experiencing homelessness in the community.

  • Rev. Naryan S. Bhore Memorial Association

    HOPES received $15,000 from the Rev. Naryan S. Bhore Association to support our general operations that help people end their homelessness in Racine.